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Eran Kahana to Present and Moderate a Panel Session for Stanford Law School's 14th Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference

June 12, 2017

Eran Kahana, a cybersecurity and intellectual property lawyer in Maslon's Business & Securities Group, will present and moderate a panel session titled "New Uses of the Blockchain and What Lawyers Need to Know About Them to Ensure Their Company's Regulatory Compliance" at Stanford Law School's 14th Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference on Monday, June 12, 2017. The conference is the premier educational event for in-house counsel and practitioners who work in or for Internet, e-commerce, mobile, social networking, and cloud companies. It will address current issues facing the industry and offer practical solutions for dealing with the many legal uncertainties that arise when doing business online.

Eran counsels clients on a wide variety of matters related to cybersecurity, technology law, trademarks, patents, and copyright issues. He also serves in a variety of cybersecurity thought-leadership roles and works closely with the FBI, Department of Justice, Secret Service, and colleagues from the private and academic sectors to set, promote, and sustain cybersecurity best practices. Eran serves as both general counsel and as a director on the Executive Board of InfraGard (MN Chapter). As a Fellow at Stanford Law School, Eran writes and lectures on the intersect between law and artificial intelligence.

For more information or to register, go to: Stanford Law School's 14th Annual E-Commerce Best Practices Conference.


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