Gioia Gentile
Gioia Gentile is a paralegal in Maslon's Corporate & Securities Group with more than 15 years of experience, including at one of the largest energy companies in the nation and at a major airline.
She brings to her role a proven mastery of new entity formation, corporate document management, and regulatory filing compliance, including with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and various secretaries of state. She has also supported corporate governance tasks such as proxy preparation, SEC filings, and shareholder inquiries, and she has assisted with corporate legal operations, including Uniform Commercial Code filings.
After gaining experience as a paralegal, Gioia earned a law degree from Mitchell Hamline School of Law. While in law school, Gioia obtained a certificate in global arbitration theory and practice. She studied economics at the University of Minnesota, Morris, where she obtained a bachelor of arts.
Gioia also works with the Business Practicum students at Mitchell Hamline and is a certified travel agent.