David Herr to Moderate Live Webcast on a Preview of the October Term of the U.S. Supreme Court
August 21, 2014
David Herr will co-moderate, with former Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Eric Magnuson, a Minnesota CLE live webcast titled "Appellate Practice: The U.S. Supreme Court – A Preview of the October Term" on August 21, 2014. The panel will discuss current appellate issues and will provide a preview of the United States Supreme Court's 2014 October Term.
David Herr, partner in Maslon's Litigation Group, is a highly regarded appellate lawyer and complex case litigator. He is frequently sought out to provide practical and sophisticated advice on how to resolve difficult, multi-party disputes in trial courts and arbitral forums, as well as in the appellate courts.
For more information, or to register for this live webcast, go to MN CLE's Appellate Practice: The U.S. Supreme Court—A Preview of the October Term.