David Herr to Present and Moderate Webcasts for Minnesota CLE
July 26, 2018
David Herr, an appellate attorney in Maslon's Litigation Group, will serve as course chair for two Minnesota CLE webcasts on the new amendments to the Rules of Civil Procedure on June 21 and July 26. Each program, titled "New Minnesota Civil Practice Rules – Practical Insight on the Extensive Amendments, Effective July 1," will provide an overview of all the changes before turning to a panel discussion focused on the implications—and practice dos and don'ts—related to the rules that will result in substantive changes to state court practice. David serves as Reporter for the Minnesota Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Rules of Civil Procedure. The June program will feature Judge Eric Hylden, Chair of the committee, and the July program will feature Supreme Court Justice G. Barry Anderson, Liaison Justice to the committee.
David is a highly regarded appellate lawyer and complex case litigator. He is frequently sought out to provide practical and sophisticated advice on how to resolve difficult, multi-party disputes in trial courts and arbitral forums as well as in the appellate courts. David is past president of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, past president of the Academy of Court Appointed Masters, and regularly argues cases in the Minnesota appellate courts and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. He annotates the Federal Judicial Center's Manual for Complex Litigation, published and distributed nationally by Thomson West.
For more information, go to: Minnesota CLE's New Minnesota Civil Practice Rules Amendments.