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Maslon Lends a Hand in Home Renovation with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity

September 22, 2021

As part of Maslon’s longstanding commitment to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TCHFH), firm members proudly volunteered their labor for a TCHFH home renovation last week.

Affordable and stable housing significantly impacts health and education outcomes and is more critical now than ever before. The Twin Cities currently faces an affordable housing crisis with the triple threat of rising rents, flatlining wages, and extremely low vacancy rates, according to TCHFH, and these housing challenges disproportionately impact families of color.

Maslon Partner Keiko Sugisaka has served as a Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity board member since 2019, continuing the firm’s leadership in the organization and steadfast support of TCHFH's mission: to bring people together to create, preserve, and promote affordable homeownership and advance racial equity in housing.

To learn more about Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, go to: Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity.


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